A Message from the Producer

David Rolfe

"Everyone should have the opportunity to discover for themselves the attested facts about the Shroud of Turin as made clear in the two films available below: 'Who Can He Be?' and Michael Kowalski’s forensic dissection of the flawed and potentially corrupted C14 test that branded the Shroud a forgery.

It could provide a revelatory change to their lives as it has for many, including myself. For that reason we have made the films here free to view in full via the Gumlet streaming service.

That said, the films and the site are expensive things to produce and run. We have provided a simple way to make a donation to cover both the film’s and this site’s costs. If you have enjoyed watching the films, please make a donation if you can and, equally important, having visited the site, please spread the 'Word' about it.

Thank you"

David Rolfe and Michael Kowalski

Please use the DONATE button below to make a donation either by debit/credit card or via a Paypal Account

To watch the films shown below, click on the play buttons displayed in the centre of each image

Who Can He Be?

The Shroud of Turin

The 1988 Carbon Dating: Triumph or Travesty?

Performco Ltd. Town Hall, Penn Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2PP

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